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Is it necessary to sign a moving report?

Is it necessary for both landlord and tenant to sign the moving report at the end of a moving inspection? Having the tenant sign the report can be a way to document that they received a copy of the report.

Why should the landlord sign the report?

The landlord, or the landlord’s representative, can sign the report to show who conducted the moving inspection. Thus, if the landlord performs the moving inspection, they sign the report. However, if a representative performs the inspection, the representative signs it instead.

What does the tenant’s signature mean?

The tenant does not necessarily have to sign the report, but the possibility is there. Usually, tenants only sign the report once, which shows that they agree to the condition of the property and the possible repairs mentioned in the report.

Some landlords might try to kill two birds with one stone with a statement along the lines of: “With this signature, the tenant also acknowledges that they received a copy of the moving report.”. In such cases, the tenant accepts the content of the moving report and that they have received it.

When should the tenant have a copy of the report?

When tenants are present at moving inspections, they can hand them a copy of the report at the end of the inspection. If not, it might be a good idea to send them a copy within two weeks of the inspection.

Documentation that the tenant received the report

It might be a good idea to have the tenant acknowledge that they received a copy of the moving report. Then, you can document that they received a copy of the report.

There are different ways to document that the tenant received a copy of the report. For example, the tenant can give their signature to acknowledge they received the report. But it is also possible for the tenant to send a letter of confirmation that they received it.

How to sign the moving report with DomuSpect

With DomuSpect, you can sign the report in-app – just like when you receive a package. The tenant can give three signatures, and each signature is specified:

  1. The tenant can agree on the condition of the property and the needed repairs by signing the moving report.
  2. The tenant can agree to receive the report digitally by giving their signature.
  3. The tenant can confirm to have received a copy of the moving report by giving their signature.

If you enter your company information, including a signature, DomuSpect automatically uses that signature in the moving reports. Thus, you do not have to sign every single report you create.

Is a digital signature legally valid?

Yes. It does not matter whether the tenant signs the report on paper or digitally – the signature is valid either way.

Fun fact!

In many countries, signatures are valid no matter how they look. For example, your signature can be a sequence of random letters or a sign, as you don’t need to use your name as a signature. Thus, an X will also be considered a valid signature.

X 😉 


We have a tip for you: if you take a picture of the tenant at the inspection, you can document that they were present for the inspection.

Use speech-to-text feature in the DomuSpect app

Did you talk to your DomuSpect app today? No? Well, you can! All you have to do is use the speech-to-text feature. This is a good opportunity for everyone using the app.

Are you not a talkative person?

A lot of people do not talk a lot during the day. Instead, all we do is text, text and text: text messages, emails, updates on social media, shopping lists, and notes during moving inspections. Do you only take a limited number of notes during your moving inspections? Maybe you are not a fast typer, or maybe you just have difficulty with writing? You could also be a busy person and as a result, you might not feel like you have the time to note every single detail.

You can talk to write

Today, most smartphones and tablets allow you to talk to write via the keyboard. This means that you can dictate on both Android devices and iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads. The speech-to-text feature can help anyone!

You use speech-to-text by talking to your device which uses recognition technology to transform your spoken words into text. Simply put, your mobile device writes what you say. Literally! By now, the technology is quite good at recognising the words you are saying which means that the quality of this feature is very high. You can use the speech-to-text feature whenever you would typically enter information yourself. This means that you can use it for, for example, Google and Facebook, but you can also use it for DomuSpect – digital moving reports.

Use dictation to get adequate notes

When you conduct moving inspections, it is a good idea to document the condition of surfaces and items at the rental property. Photos can in some degree be used as documentation, but usually, it is a necessary to add a note. If you want to ensure that your moving reports are well-documented, you can benefit from adding sufficient photos and notes.

The dictation feature, which allows you to type with your voice, is a good reason for digitising your moving reports. It is undoubtedly more time-consuming to write sufficient notes if you use a pen and paper, and speech-to-text is both easier and quicker.

Speech-to-text can be used anywhere

You can use dictation everywhere you use the keyboard to enter information in the DomuSpect app. Speech-to-text can be especially useful when you describe the condition of a rental property and the tasks required for the property to be repaired.

Fast-growing proptech app business raises six figure investment for global expansion

MEGATREND INVEST and Vaekstfonden (the Danish state’s investment fund) invest six figures in the software company IOspect for international growth of the app DomuSpect – digital moving reports.

MEGATREND INVEST invests in IOspect and enters the group of owners. The investment is backed by Vaekstfonden, and the roadmap leads to expansion in the UK and Germany. IOspect developed the app DomuSpect – digital moving reports, and has become market leading in Denmark with one of the most restrictive legislations in the world. The app is already launched in the UK, and they enter the market with surprisingly affordable price points.

“We think that IOspect fits perfectly into our portfolio of investments, and their values are a huge factor in our continued collaboration. We find that there is a great synergy between MEGATREND INVEST and IOspect not least due to their team, their drive to expand to international markets, and their values of making the world a better place through sustainable digitalisation,” says Steen Egsdal, CEO at MEGATREND INVEST.

During the last couple of months, the dialogue between MEGATREND INVEST and IOspect has shown that the two companies share common ground when it comes to ambitious plans for entering new markets and core values of making the world a better place through sustainable, digital solutions. IOspect develops software which makes paperwork digital – difficult and demanding tasks can now be done faster and with a higher level of detail, not least due to ease-of-use and convenience.

“As a result of COVID-19, we saw the opportunity of changing our business model from pay-as-you-go to subscription. The new business model focuses on subscriptions that are significantly more scalable, especially for international markets.”, and Jan Høilund, CEO at IOspect, continues: “Therefore, it is a huge advantage to have an ally in MEGATREND INVEST who can support our internationalisation. Both with capital, knowledge and experience.”

DomuSpect is available in the UK and the feedback from the market has been great – lately DomuSpect has been nominated for the Real Estate & Property Awards 2020.



MEGATREND INVEST is a well-consolidated mediator of capital between investors who are looking for new investments, and start-ups and growth companies who are looking for capital. By diversifying the risks, the investors are guaranteed a solid return. MEGATREND INVEST performs investments based on 9 megatrends to ensure that the companies they invest in are responsible and sustainable businesses. Furthermore, they invest in sustainable products and solutions which focus on the 17 sustainable development goals.

About IOspect

IOspect has developed several apps for different industries but now, they are focusing on DomuSpect – digital moving reports which they are expanding across borders. DomuSpect is developed with landlords and property managers in mind as it helps them conduct moving inspections and create moving reports. When you download the app, you get 2 reports free of charge.

DomuSpect is expanding to new markets

There has been a boost in digitalisation all over the world, and the demand for digital products is increasing rapidly. Especially due to the corona virus, which unfortunately has been the reality of 2020, digitalisation of processes and products, as well as social gatherings, has gained momentum.

We have also experienced the growing demand for digital solutions. With our app DomuSpect – digital moving reports, we simplify and digitise moving in and out inspections. DomuSpect has been launched in an English version for the English market, and we are getting help with the process of exploring our opportunities in other potential markets. The regional Erhvervshus Nordjylland is a very good partner for us, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has resources that we can use.

Last week, Özkan B. Köksal, who is the Chief Advisor of Internationalisation in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited our CEO Jan Høilund Christensen. Özkan is very competent in the field, and on top of that, he is also very kind. It is wonderful having such qualified and experienced sparring partners as we are discovering foreign ground.

Özkan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can help us gain access to Danish embassies in other countries. The people at the embassies are very competent and have an extensive knowledge about their countries. The embassies can establish a connection between DomuSpect and potential customers, as well as local marketing companies and consultants within the field. Throughout the process, Özkan can ensure that we get in contact with people who can help us in the different countries. This is due to his understanding our our company, but also his understanding of and insight into the competencies and opportunities the embassies have.

We look forward to launching DomuSpect all over the world!

What a summer! What a year!

At the beginning of 2020, we gradually started building DomuSpect version 4.0, and DomuSpect was being built on a new platform – a cross-platform. An app built on a cross-platform works on multiple platforms, and in our case, this means both Android and Apple devices. Building the app on a cross-platform was a huge and time-consuming task, but it will be very advantageous in the future!

The first DomuSpect app was built in two different versions – one for Android devices and one for Apple devices. Thus, every time an update or improvement was made, large or small, it had to be made on both platforms. This process was both time-consuming and expensive, and our hope for the new app was to optimise that process.

The two platforms were demolished, and our skilled developer Jonas Lykke – the young man in the picture – started building the app from scratch on the cross-platform. Naturally, we have all of the experience from the previous two versions in mind!

Then the corona virus spread! Need we say more?

Therefore, we have worked hard – in particular, our developer – and just in time for the summer holidays, we succeeded! The brand new DomuSpect 4.0 was released! This is our biggest update so far, and we, and our developer, have been working intensely for so long! We can proudly present the app, and after some teething troubles, the app is fortunately on its way to become an “adult”.

With DomuSpect version 4.0, we also decided to expand to the English market. Luckily, DomuSpect has been received very well! In Germany, there is a need for our digital moving inspections, and as a result, we are looking at the possibilities of expanding even further. So, DomuSpect, and us, are expanding! Here we come! Hier kommen wir!

This handsome, young man is our talented developer Jonas Lykke – with DomuSpect 4.0 finished.

DomuSpect 4.0 is ready for download

We are very happy that DomuSpect version 4.0 is ready for download – both in App Store and Google Play Store!

Thus far, DomuSpect 4.0 is the biggest update, and we have spent a lot of time trying to make digital moving inspections both better and easier.

A new feature in version 4.0 is the possibility of reusing the data from a moving in inspection for a moving out inspection, online backup and flexibility between Android and iOS devices.

Additionally, we have changed the user experience to make it easier to create moving inspections, and added new ways of using the app. We’re hoping that the new app is received positively by our dedicated users.

But let us take a look at the most important updates in version 4.0:

New features in version 4.0

  • You can sync all cases and their content across platforms.
  • You can sync and backup photos.
  • You can edit photos after they have been taken or selected for the report.
  • You can receive push messages.
  • UK version of the app – and much more  

Changes in version 4.0

  • UI Overhaul.
  • UX Overhaul.
  • Registration for electricity supply: Forwarded by API instead of email.
  • Possibility of colouring the blueprints.
  • Complete conversion of the app to the new platform.

NOTE: As a result of the conversion to the new platform, all of your old cases, including content, will be deleted unfortunately. Did you forget to backup all of your old cases before you updated the app? If so, check the ‘sent’ folder in your email. Most likely, you have sent all of the moving inspections to the tenant, and therefore, you might be able to find them unless you have deleted the emails in your ‘sent’ folder.

If you have purchased any cases (which you need to make inspections), these will be transferred to the new app.

Your user from the old app (your login information) also applies to the new app.

DomuSpect 4.0 – important information!

DomuSpect 4.0 is on its way, and we are looking forward to launching the app!

A new feature in version 4.0 is the possibility of reusing the data from a moving in inspection for a moving out inspection, online backup and flexibility between Android and iOS devices. There is much more which will be elaborated later 🙂

But, most importantly:

Save all of your old moving reports on your computer or some kind of storage media before you update the app!

DomuSpect 4.0 is launched on 8 July which means you’ve got time to save all of your old moving inspections.

Version 4.0 is the biggest update so far, and unfortunately, this means that all of your old moving reports will be lost when you update the app.

Therefore, you might benefit from backing up your old and finished inspections. Actually, we recommend that you always backup your inspection reports.

The easiest way to make a backup of your cases is to forward them to yourself. Tap the PDF icon, press send’, and forward the moving inspection to yourself as an email.

Do you want help or more information? Call us on +44 2039 361288, write to us at or catch us on the chat at

In return, we promise that you get access to a lot of new features in the future. We will elaborate on this when we’re closer to launching the app.