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Digital moving out report – try it for free

Do you want to easily create moving in and out reports when a tenant terminates their tenancy agreement?

We want to make it easy for you to try DomuSpect, and therefore, you can try our digital moving reports free of charge. When you download the app, you receive two free reports, and when you have tried the app, you can decide whether you want to continue using it. It is completely free of charge, and you can cancel at any time!

Below, we will elaborate how to use DomuSpect for conducting moving inspections and creating moving reports.

Create moving out reports with our step-by-step guide

Creating moving out reports is easier than it sounds. At least, if you use DomuSpect.

When you are at the rental property, you open the DomuSpect app. Then, you follow the checklist step-by-step, and enter all of the needed information. If you take photos during the inspection, they can easily be included in the report. When the inspection is conducted, DomuSpect creates the report automatically.

After a few minutes, the moving report is finished which means you can get the tenant’s signature at the inspection. Subsequently, you can forward the report to the tenant, the craftsmen who handle the refurbishment, as well as any other people who might need the report.

The procedure is the same when you conduct a moving in inspection. With DomuSpect, you can create both moving in and out reports. Moreover, the app is applicable whether you have private rental properties or business leases.

You are guaranteed to remember all the aspects of a moving inspection

If you do not use DomuSpect, or another checklist, during moving inspections, there is a risk that you forget important information. Opposite, if you use DomuSpect, you are guaranteed to remember all of the information.

DomuSpect is developed in collaboration with lawyers who know the do’s and don’ts, and pitfalls associated with moving inspections. With DomuSpect, you are ensured to created detailed moving reports as you are guided through the important information.

Do inexpensive digital moving reports sound interesting to you?

If you turn out to be just as happy with DomuSpect as our other customers, we can provide an offer for you to ensure that you continue using our app. Thus, it does not need to be expensive to use DomuSpect for conducting moving inspections.

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