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Privacy policy

On or through this website, and on or through our apps (iOS and Android), we only collect information that can identify you personally when it is voluntarily accepted by you. These personally identifiable information may include your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card information.

We collect and store your personal data for different purposes

We collect and store your information for different purposes or legal business purposes. This happens when we need to:

  • Process your purchase and deliver our service
  • Fulfill your request for products or services
  • Improve our products and services
  • Fit our communication and marketing to you
  • Fit our partners’ communication and marketing to you
  • Manage your relation to us
  • Comply with legislation
  • Other

We only process relevant personal data

We only process data about you which is relevant and sufficient for the purposes we have defined above. The purpose is essential for the type of data that is relevant. This also applies to the amount of the personal data we use. For example, we do not use more data than we need for specific purposes.

We only process the necessary personal data

We only collect, process and store the personal data that is necessary for our stated purposes. Additionally, the type of data we collect and store may be determined by the legislation. The type and amount of personal data we process may be necessary to finish contracts or other legal obligations.

We check and update your personal data

We control that the personal data about you is accurate and not misleading. We also make sure to update your personal data continuously.

As our service depends on correct and updated data, we would appreciate that you inform us about relevant changes to your personal data. You can use the contact information above to make us aware of your changes.

We delete your personal data when it is no longer relevant

We delete your personal data when it is no longer relevant for the purpose which was the reason for collecting, processing and storing your data.

We collect your consent before we process your personal data

We collect your consent before we process your personal data for the purposes which are described above unless we have a legal reason for collecting it. We will inform you about such reasons and about our legitimate interest in processing your personal data.

Your consent is voluntary, and you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. When you use our apps (iOS and Android), you allow us to process your personal data the first time you use the app.

Sharing your personal data

We may share your personal data with service providers who assist us with delivering the information or services which we deliver to you. If we sell one or more of our brands or a part of our business to another corporation, we reserve the right to transfer your data to the new owner(s). In any of these circumstances, we will take reasonable action to protect your personal data. We only share your personal data under terms and conditions which require the receiver to secure the confidentiality and safety of your personal data.

We do not share your personal data with any third parties unless we have your consent or unless you were notified about this when we collected your personal data, except as described in this Privacy Policy or as required by law.

Non-personal data

If you provide non-personal data, messages or material to this website, it is on a non-confidential basis. We may use such data without consent and for any purposes. Specifically, we may use any ideas, concepts, know-how and techniques which are contained in such information for any purpose including development, production or marketing of products. All of the information you provide to this website must be true and legal, and must not offend the rights of others.


We use a “cookie” technology which means our servers place specific codes on visitor’s computers – like many other companies. This information helps us to continuously determine the number of visitors on our website, as well as which internet browser (for example, Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) and operating systems (for example, Windows or Macintosh) our visitors use. This helps us improve your online visits. We will not use this information to identify visitors or compare the information to any kind of personal data which is voluntarily provided on or through the website. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting in your browser which enables you to reject the creation of cookies. However, if you choose this setting, you may experience that you cannot access certain parts of our website.

Cookies are files which are stored on your computer which websites automatically save in order for the website to recognise the computer when it visits the website afterwards. Cookies store the visitor’s IP address and traffic information. It is a passive file which helps analysing how the website is being used.

What do we use cookies for

For example, we use cookies to ensure that you do not have to log in to the websites you visit.

We use cookies to ensure that you do not see the same promotional material too many times.

We use cookies to show content from Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Vimeo, LinkedIn and other social media.

We use cookies to measure what you do on which allows us to update the website and provide a better user experience for you.

Are cookies dangerous?

Cookies are not dangerous and cannot harm your computer with viruses or other programmes. We want to improve our customer service, and therefore, cookies are used in connection to services and advertisements for partners which we cannot show unless we use cookies. This also applies to social networks where we use cookies to, for example, show facebook information on the website.

Which types of cookies are on the website?

We use first-party and third-party cookies. Cookies come from the website you visit, and can be from either the website itself or via third-party cookies, for example, through advertisements and banners for other companies on the website.

Protection of your personal data

We maintain physical, technical and organisational actions to protect your personal data from unwanted, unauthorised or illegal access, unauthorised copying, use, processing, publication, changes, transfer, loss or destruction. We developed safety policies to secure the data we collect about you, and to restrict the access to this data. Moreover, our web servers are highly secure and we keep our servers under surveillance to prevent security breaches.

Your rights

You have the right to access your personal data

You have the right to know which of your data we process, where we got them and how we use them. You also have the right to know the amount of time we store your personal data, who receives data about you, and the extent to which we pass on data in and outside Denmark.

On your request, we can inform you about the data we process about you. The access may be limited out of the consideration of other people’s privacy, for business secrets and immaterial rights.

You can use your rights by contacting us.

You have the right to have inaccurate data corrected or deleted.

If you believe that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate, you have the right to have them corrected. You must contact us and explain what is inaccurate and how it should be corrected.

In some instances, we have an obligation of deleting your personal data. If you believe that your data no longer is necessary for the purposes we collected it for, you may request to have it deleted. You may also contact us if you believe that your personal data is processed in defiance of the legislation or other legal obligations.

When you contact us with a request of having your personal data corrected or deleted, we check whether the conditions are met. If so, we correct or delete your personal data as soon as possible.

You have the right to object to the way we process your personal data

You have the right to object to the way we process your personal data. You may also object to us passing on your personal data for marketing purposes. If you wish to object, you can use the contact information provided above. If your objection is justified, we will stop processing your personal data.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We can change this Privacy Policy at any time, and any changes will be in effect immediately upon posting the changes on this website and our apps (iOS and Android). Unless we expressly state otherwise, this policy only applies to this website, our apps (iOS and Android) and our online activities. However, it does not apply to any of our offline activities.